Hutchinson’s Sign
DOI: unilateral distribution of vesicular lesions over the patient's left naris, cheek, and upper lip are consistent with Herpes zoster reactivation with Hutchinson's sign. Hutchinson's sign is a herpes zoster vesicle present on the tip or side of the nose.1 It reflects zoster involvement of the 1st branch of the trigeminal nerve, and is concerning for herpes zoster ophthalmicus.1 Herpes zoster vesicles may present as papular lesions or macular vesicles on an erythematous base.2,3 Emergent diagnosis must be made to prevent long-term visual sequelae.4
A Sublingual Mass in a 5-Year-Old Male
DOI: ranula. On oral inspection he had a 3 x 1.5 cm, soft, non-tender, mobile, cystic, sublingual mass on the right aspect of the floor of his mouth that did not move with swallowing (Image 1). There was mild associated submandibular swelling on the right side of his face.
Oropharynx Ulceration
DOI: photograph demonstrates an area of ulcerative tissue at the left palatine tonsil without surrounding erythema or purulent drainage. The computed tomography (CT) scan shows a large ulceration of the left soft palate and palatine tonsil (red arrow). There is no evidence of skull base osteomyelitis. There is suppurative lymphadenopathy with partial left jugular vein compression due to mass effect (yellow highlight). There is mild nasopharyngeal airway narrowing with architectural distortion (blue arrow), but no other evidence of airway obstruction.
Erythema Migrans
DOI: of present illness: A 28-year-old male presented to the emergency department with a chief complaint of two weeks of headache, chills, and numbness in his hands. He reported removing a tick from his upper back approximately two weeks ago, but did not know how long the tick had been embedded. His review of symptoms was otherwise unremarkable. Significant findings:
Chancre of Primary Syphilis
DOI: examination revealed a non-tender, erythematous lesion on the glans penis, two similar adjacent satellite lesions, as well as tender inguinal lymphadenopathy. No penile discharge was noted.
Corneal Sparing Conjunctival Abrasion
DOI: exam was significant for multiple broken teeth, multiple minor abrasions on the face, and fine shards of shattered glass on his face and hair. His right eye had conjunctival injection, with no signs of subconjunctival hemorrhage or ocular penetration. Vision, extraocular movement, and pupillary exam were grossly intact. Fluorescein staining with slit lamp exam with cobalt blue filter examination of the right eye revealed superficial bulbar conjunctival uptake of fluorescein dye staining an area of the conjunctiva inferior to the limbus 5 mm vertical by 2 mm horizontal (estimation by photo provided). No foreign bodies were visualized in the inferior fornix. These findings were consistent with superficial conjunctival abrasion. The exam noted sparing of the corneal epithelium.
Steven-Johnson Syndrome
DOI: presentation to the ED, a macular rash was notable on all four extremities, trunk and face, and involved mucous membranes of the oropharynx and vaginal introitus. The rash was painful, erythematous and purpuric with targetoid lesions. There were also multiple areas of sloughing and desquamation with a positive Nikolsky sign. Denudement totaled approximately 2% of total body surface area.
Open Pneumothorax
DOI: large chest wound was clinically obvious. A chest radiograph performed after intubation showed subcutaneous emphysema, an anterior rib fracture, and a right-sided pneumothorax. He was then taken to the operating room for further management.
K-9 Police Dog Bite
DOI: photograph is of the anterior compartment of the right lower leg demonstrating multiple deep lacerations with exposed and torn muscle. X-ray showed no foreign body.
Open Dislocation of Fifth Digit
DOI: exam revealed an open dislocation of the proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) of the right fifth digit. X-ray confirmed dislocation and revealed no fractures. The patient received a tetanus booster, Cefazolin, and the dislocation was then washed out and reduced. Multiple reduction attempts were made and were only successful once the metacarpophalangeal joints were held in 90 degree flexion, which relaxed the lateral bands and enabled the finger to be reduced.