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Alcohol Withdrawal
DOI: the end of this oral boards session, learners will: 1) demonstrate the ability to perform a detailed history and physical examination in a patient presenting with signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, 2) investigate the broad differential diagnoses, including electrolyte abnormalities, trauma in the intoxicated patient, mild alcohol withdrawal, and delirium tremens, 3) list appropriate laboratory and imaging studies to include complete blood count (CBC), complete metabolic panel (CMP), magnesium level, computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain; 4) understand the management of hypoglycemia with concurrent administration of thiamine to prevent Wernicke’s encephalopathy and subsequent Korsakoff syndrome, 5) appropriately treat acute alcohol withdrawal with intravenous (IV) hydration and benzodiazepines, phenobarbital, or alternative medications, and 6) understanding the need for the complex management of these patients, appropriately disposition the patient to the intensive care unit after consulting with critical care specialists.
Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose
DOI: the end of this oral board session, examinees will: (1) demonstrate ability to evaluate a patient with undifferentiated shock with bradycardia and discuss the differential diagnosis, (2) recognize the signs and symptoms of calcium channel blocker overdose, (3) demonstrate ability to manage treatment of a patient with calcium channel overdose.
Acute Pulmonary Edema and NSTEMI
DOI: the end of this practice oral boards case, the learner will: 1) recognize unstable vital signs (VS) and intervene to stabilize ventilation and oxygenation, 2) demonstrate the ability to obtain a complete medical history including the important characteristics of chest pain, 3) demonstrate an appropriate exam on a patient, 4) order the appropriate evaluation studies for a patient with complaints of dyspnea, 5) interpret the results of diagnostic evaluation and diagnose Non- ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and pulmonary edema, 6) order appropriate management of pulmonary edema and NSTEMI, and 6) demonstrate effective communication with patient and family members.
Infant Botulism
DOI: the end of this oral board session, examinees will: 1) demonstrate an ability to obtain a complete pediatric medical history, 2) perform an appropriate physical exam on a pediatric patient, 3) investigate a broad differential diagnosis for neuromuscular weakness in a pediatric patient, 4) recognize the classic presentation of infant botulism and implement treatment with botulinum specific antitoxin before confirmatory testing, 5) recognize impending airway failure and intubate the pediatric patient with appropriately dosed medications and ET tube size, and 6) demonstrate effective communication with healthcare team members and parents.
Acute Chest Syndrome
DOI: the end of this oral board session, examinees will: 1) demonstrate the ability to obtain a complete medical history; 2) demonstrate the ability to perform a detailed physical examination in a patient with respiratory distress; 3) identify a patient with respiratory distress and hypoxia and manage appropriately (administer oxygen, place patient on monitor); 4) investigate the broad differential diagnoses which include acute chest syndrome, pneumonia, acute coronary syndrome, acute congestive heart failure, acute aortic dissection and acute pulmonary embolism; 5) list the appropriate laboratory and imaging studies to differentiate acute chest syndrome from other diagnoses (complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), lactic acid, procalcitonin, EKG, troponin level, d-dimer, chest radiograph); 6) identify a patient with acute chest syndrome and manage appropriately (administer intravenous pain medications, administer antibiotics after obtaining blood cultures, emergent consultation with hematology) and 7) provide appropriate disposition to the intensive care unit after consultation with hematology.
Acute Flaccid Myelitis
DOI: the end of this oral board session, examinees will: 1) demonstrate the ability to obtain a complete pediatric medical history; 2) demonstrate an appropriate exam on a pediatric patient including a neurological exam; 3) investigate the broad differential diagnoses for neuromuscular weakness in a pediatric patient; 4) order the appropriate evaluation studies including an MRI; 5) interpret the use of a negative inspiratory force in determining the need for intubation and level of care upon admission; and 6) demonstrate effective communication with parents and caregivers.
3rd-Degree Atrioventricular Block
DOI: the end of this oral board session, examinees will: 1) demonstrate ability to obtain a complete medical history including detailed cardiac history, 2) demonstrate the ability to perform a detailed physical examination in a patient with cardiac complaints, 3) investigate the broad differential diagnoses which include acute coronary syndrome (ACS), electrolyte imbalances, pulmonary embolism, cerebrovascular accident, aortic dissection and arrhythmias, 4) obtain and interpret the cardiac monitor rhythm strip to identify complete heart block, 5) list the appropriate laboratory and imaging studies to differentiate arrhythmia from other diagnoses (complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, magnesium level, EKG, troponin level, chest radiograph), 6) identify a patient with complete heart block and manage appropriately (administer IV atropine, attempt transcutaneous pacing, place a transvenous pacemaker, emergent consultation with interventional cardiology), 7) provide appropriate disposition to intensive care after consultation with interventional cardiologist.
Thyroid Storm
DOI: the end of this practice oral boards case, the learner will: 1) assess a patient with altered mental status in an oral boards format; 2) review appropriate laboratory testing and diagnostic imaging; 3) identify signs and symptoms of thyroid storm and 4) review appropriate pharmacologic therapies with the proper sequence and timing.
DOI: the end of this oral boards session, examinees will: 1) Demonstrate ability to obtain a complete medical history including a detailed obstetric history. 2) Demonstrate the ability to perform a detailed physical examination in a postpartum female patient who presents with a seizure. 3) Investigate the broad differential diagnoses which include electrolyte imbalances, brain tumor, meningitis or encephalitis, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (HELLP) syndrome and eclampsia. 4) List the appropriate laboratory and imaging studies to differentiate eclampsia from other diagnoses (complete blood count, comprehensive metabolic panel, magnesium level, pregnancy testing, urinalysis, and computed tomography [CT] scan of the head). 5) Identify a postpartum eclampsia patient and manage appropriately (administer IV magnesium therapy, administer IV antihypertensive therapy, emergent consultation with an obstetrician). 6) Provide appropriate disposition to the intensive care unit after consulting with an obstetrician.
Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdose
DOI: the end of this oral boards session, learners will be able to: 1) discuss the appropriate laboratory testing and workup for a patient with undifferentiated altered mental status, 2) discuss the importance of obtaining an ECG in a timely manner in order to investigate the broad differential of altered mental status, 3) identify the classic ECG findings of a patient with TCA overdose, 4) review the treatment of TCA overdose, 5) discuss the appropriate disposition of a patient with TCA overdose.