Posts by JETem
FAST Exam: Normal Suprapubic
Keywords: radiology, trauma, normal, suprapubic, FAST exam, videos, ultrasound, US
FAST Exam: Normal Morrison’s Pouch
Keywords: radiology, normal, renal, Morrison’s pouch, trauma, liver, ultrasound, video, FAST exam
FAST Exam: Normal Morrison’s Pouch
Keywords: radiology, normal, renal, Morrison’s pouch, trauma, liver, ultrasound, FAST exam
Hemothorax Pre and Post Chest Tube CXR
Keywords: radiology, x-ray, trauma, hemothorax, chest tube, tube thoracostomy, respiratory, pulmonary
Pericardial Effusion CXR
Keywords: radiology, x-ray, oncology, pericardial effusion, cardiology, CXR
Hip Dislocation Pre and Post Reduction XR
Keywords: radiology, x-ray, orthopedics, hip dislocation, hip reduction
Raynaud’s Phenomenon
Photograph contributed by Richard Saunders, DO, FACEP Keywords: Raynaud’s phenomenon, Raynaud’s syndrome.