Case Report: Acute Supraglottitis
DOI: arrival, radiographs of the neck soft tissues were obtained, which showed a markedly enlarged epiglottic shadow (red arrow) concerning for epiglottitis. A computed tomography scan of the neck soft tissues with contrast was then obtained which revealed edematous mucosal thickening of the oropharynx (blue arrow) and supraglottic larynx (green arrow) including the epiglottis (purple arrow) concerning for acute infectious pharyngitis and supraglottic laryngitis with severe narrowing of the supraglottic laryngeal lumen, as well as associated extensive inflammation and edema of the superficial and deep left neck spaces. The patient’s white blood cell count was elevated to 25.7x109/L with 87% neutrophils. Her rapid strep test was positive. Otolaryngology was consulted and performed a bedside flexible laryngoscopy which showed significant edema of the epiglottis (orange arrow), vocal cords (white arrow), and arytenoids (black arrow), left greater than right. Based on the findings and concern for impending respiratory failure, the patient received an awake fiberoptic intubation by anesthesia at the bedside.
Henoch-Schönlein Purpura in the Adult
DOI: images show a raised, palpable, purpuric rash on the lower extremities, surrounded by a mild, 1+ non-pitting edema. Several of the lesions are exfoliated with serous discharge. There is no surrounding erythema, fluctuance, or lymphangitis to suggest cellulitis. There was no tenderness to palpation; however, pruritus was exacerbated on palpation.
Digital Nerve Block for the Reduction of a Proximal Phalanx Fracture of the Foot – a Case Report
DOI: film of the right foot showed evidence of an oblique fracture of the body of the proximal 4th phalanx (image 2). No other acute traumatic injuries noted in the rest of the bones and joints of the right foot. After performing a digital block of the toe and reduction, repeat imaging showed evidence of successful reduction with anatomic alignment and redemonstration of the fracture line (image 3).
Case Report: Antifreeze Ingestion and Urine Fluorescence
DOI: patient’s urine sample (right) was compared to a control (left) using a Wood’s lamp. It revealed light green fluorescence under ultraviolet light, which increased suspicion for ethylene glycol poisoning from antifreeze ingestion.
Oral Herpes Zoster
DOI: exam findings revealed vesicular lesions on the lip, hard and soft palates which did not cross the midline. The lesions appeared in the distribution of the maxillary branch (V2) of the trigeminal nerve, consistent with herpes zoster.
Brown Recluse Spider Bite
DOI: of the skin revealed erythema and induration on the right lateral leg 12 cm in diameter with a 6 cm area of central necrosis and surrounding petechiae without fluctuance or crepitus. The patient was neurovascularly intact distal to the lesion. Laboratory values were within normal limits, except for an elevated C-reactive protein (5.31 mg/dL, normal range <0.70 mg/dL). The patient was diagnosed with ulceration secondary to envenomation from a brown recluse spider.
Levamisole Induced, Cocaine Associated Vasculitis
DOI: asymmetric pattern of palpable purpura with bullae was noted on bilateral lower extremities with smaller patches on bilateral upper extremities. There was no tenderness or crepitus.
Pectoralis Muscle Tendon Rupture
DOI: is a noticeable difference in appearance and location of maximal prominence of the right pectoral muscle with arms outstretched (image 1). This is accentuated by having the patient perform an isometric arm press. (image 2).There is absence of the anterior axillary fold with adduction against resistance. The stump of the pectoralis muscle was palpated along his armpit. He otherwise has full range of motion in the shoulder with minimal pain.
Abdominal Pain with Black Tongue
DOI:’s tongue had a black discoloration, without elongated filiform papillae. We could not appreciate lymphadenopathy. His abdomen was tender to palpation.
Suspicious Skin Lesion in an 11-Year-Old Male
DOI: patient had a 5 cm ulcerative lesion with raised borders and a yellow, “fatty” center. There was no active drainage, site tenderness, or lymphadenopathy.