Not Another Presentation of Cellulitis: A Case Report of Erythromelalgia
DOI: tender, warm, erythematous swelling of the extremity experienced by this patient is typical of erythromelalgia. Erythematous streaking on the volar surface of the left forearm (red arrow) and tender, warm, erythematous blanching swelling was present on the palmar hand (yellow arrow). Most patients with erythromelalgia also have lower extremity involvement including the dorsum or sole of the foot and toes.1
Case Report of a Man with Right Eye Pain and Double Vision
DOI: A 39-year-old previously healthy male presented with three days of right eye pressure and one day of binocular diplopia. He denied history of trauma, headache, or other neurological complaints. He had normal visual acuity, normal intraocular pressure, intact convergence, and no afferent pupillary defect. His neurologic examination was non-focal except for an inability to adduct the right eye past midline
A Culinary Misadventure: A Case Report of Shiitake Dermatitis
DOI: visual examination revealed erythematous linear papules on her upper and lower back. No bullae, drainage, or sloughing of the skin was present. The rest of her body, including palms, soles, and mucosa, was spared.
Case Report of Unusual Facial Swelling in an 8-Month-Old
DOI: ultrasound revealed local inflammatory changes such as increased echogenicity and heterogeneity in the soft tissues of the right cheek, suggestive of soft tissue edema. There was evidence of a prominent right parotid gland with increased heterogeneity suggestive of a traumatic injury. Additionally, facial ultrasound demonstrated a 6mm ill-defined anechoic collection within the right cheek without increased doppler flow (green arrow), thought to represent a focal area of edema instead of an abscess.
Auricular Perichondritis after a “High Ear Piercing:” A Case Report
DOI: physical examination, there was erythema, swelling, warmth, and general exquisite tenderness of the superior aspect of the left pinna (the outer ear) but excluding the ear canal, lobe, tragus, and crus. There was no facial involvement. There was no fluctuance about the ear and no drainage of fluid. The preauricular lymph nodes were enlarged and tender, but the anterior cervical lymph nodes were not tender. There was no mastoid tenderness, protrusion of the ear, or interruption of the postauricular crease.
Case Report of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in a Previously Healthy Adult
DOI: physical exam revealed globalized pallor of his skin as well as conjunctival pallor. Mucous membranes were found to be dry and pale with dried gingival hemorrhages apparent between teeth (image). Additionally, mild hepatosplenomegaly was noted. While in the ED, the patient’s urine was dark reddish-brown, which he then reported had been similarly discolored for the past 7 days.
A Case Report of Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm Presenting as Cranial Nerve 3 Palsy in a Young Female Patient with Migraines
DOI: exam revealed a right pupil that was dilated compared to the left pupil, though both pupils were reactive. The patient also had impaired medial gaze on the right and ptosis of the right eyelid. Exam was otherwise unremarkable.
Case Report of COVID-19 Positive Male with Late-Onset Full Body Maculopapular Rash
DOI: images demonstrate a diffuse, flat, maculopapular exanthema along the torso, bilateral upper and lower extremities, and neck without edema consistent with reported cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19. There are no surrounding bullae, vesicles, or draining. On palpation, there was blanching of the rash. Sensation to light touch was intact in all extremities. The findings were also apparent on the face with no mucosal involvement.
Case Report of Spontaneous Thyroid Hemorrhage Following LMA Insertion
DOI: photographs of patients neck, both showcasing no obvious erythema, bruising, or swelling which is noteworthy because there is potential for airway compromise but there was nothing visible to indicate that on exam.
CTA of neck showing thyroid nodule and potential thyroid hemorrhage (outlined in orange) on the left without evidence of airway compromise at the time of CT scan. Official read by attending radiologist states there is a “heterogeneous left thyroid nodule measuring 3 cm. Findings are suggestive of multinodular goiter with possible acute hemorrhage. Adjacent tract of soft tissue stranding in the anterior left neck with mild adjacent fascial thickening. This could represent small amount of hemorrhage or could be inflammatory.”
Ascending Thoracic Aortic Dissection: A Case Report of Rapid Detection Via Emergency Echocardiography with Suprasternal Notch Views
DOI: of parasternal long-axis bedside transthoracic echocardiogram: The initial images showed grossly normal left ventricular function, and no pericardial effusion or evidence of cardiac tamponade. However, the proximal aorta beyond the aortic valve was poorly-visualized in this window.