Small Group Learning
Novel Emergency Medicine Curriculum Utilizing Self-Directed Learning and the Flipped Classroom Method: Psychiatric Emergencies Small Group Module
DOI: aim to teach the presentation and management of psychiatric emergencies through the creation of a flipped classroom design. This unique, innovative curriculum utilizes resources chosen by education faculty and resident learners, study questions, real-life experiences, and small group discussions in place of traditional lectures. In doing so, a goal of the curriculum is to encourage self-directed learning, improve understanding and knowledge retention, and improve the educational experience of our residents.
Novel Emergency Medicine Curriculum Utilizing Self-Directed Learning and the Flipped Classroom Method: Genitourinary Emergencies Small Group Module
DOI: aim to teach the presentation and management of genitourinary emergencies through the creation of a flipped classroom design. This unique, innovative curriculum utilizes resources chosen by education faculty and resident learners, study questions, real-life experiences, and small group discussions in place of traditional lectures. In doing so, a goal of the curriculum is to encourage self-directed learning, improve understanding and knowledge retention, and improve the educational experience of our residents.
Emergency Medicine Curriculum: Complications of Pregnancy Small Group Module
DOI: aim to teach the presentation and management of pregnancy complications through interactive teaching during small group discussions concerning patient cases. This curriculum utilizes resources chosen by education faculty, study questions, actual experience, and small group discussions in place of a traditional lecture-based format. In doing so, a goal of the curriculum is to encourage self-directed learning, improve understanding and knowledge retention, improve the educational experience of our residents, and allow assessment by the faculty concerning the knowledge base and ability of the residents.
Emed-Opoly: Echocardiography
DOI: the end of this session, the learner will be able to:
1) Recognize normal and abnormal left heart global function
2) Recognize normal and abnormal right heart global function
3) Recognize pericardial effusions and pericardial tamponade
Novel Emergency Medicine Curriculum Utilizing Self-Directed Learning and the Flipped Classroom Method: Gastrointestinal Emergencies Small Group Module
DOI: aim to teach the presentation and management of GI emergencies through the creation of a flipped classroom design. This unique, innovative curriculum utilizes resources chosen by education faculty and resident learners, study questions, real-life experiences, and small group discussions in place of traditional lectures. In doing so, a goal of the curriculum is to encourage self-directed learning, improve understanding and knowledge retention, and improve the educational experience of our residents.
Approach to Acute Headache: A Flipped Classroom Module for Emergency Medicine Trainees
DOI: the end of this module, the learner will be able to: 1) list the diagnoses critical to the emergency physician that may present with headache; 2) identify key historical and examination findings that help differentiate primary (benign) from secondary (serious) causes of headache; 3) discuss the indications for diagnostic imaging, lumbar puncture and laboratory testing in patients with headache; 4) recognize life-threatening diagnoses on CT imaging and CSF examination; 5) describe treatment strategies to relieve headache symptoms.