Beware the Devastating Outcome of a Common Procedure
DOI: head computed tomography (CT) demonstrates multifocal bilateral hypodense lesions (white arrows) representing air emboli. Note the lesions are located in the intra-axial distribution which indicates an underlying vascular origin.
Realistic and Inexpensive Ultrasound Guided Paracentesis Simulator Using Pork Belly with Skin
DOI: the end of this instructional session learners should be able to: 1) Discuss the indications, contraindications, and complications associated with abdominal paracentesis; and 2) competently perform an ultrasound-guided abdominal paracentesis on a simulator and remove fluid.
Low Cost Task Trainer for Neonatal Umbilical Catheterization
DOI: the end of this instructional session learners should: 1) Discuss the indications, contraindications, and complications associated with umbilical catheterization. 2) Competently perform umbilical catheterization on the task trainer. 3) Demonstrate proper securement of the catheter.
A Low Cost Escharotomy Simulation Model for Residency Education
DOI: the end of this educational session, the learner will be able to: 1) Understand the indications for an escharotomy. 2) List equipment needed to perform an escharotomy. 3) Demonstrate how to perform an escharotomy. 4) Perform an escharotomy and experience the sensation of cutting through simulated burned tissue. 5) Understand post-escharotomy management and referral to specialist.
Procedural Sedation for the removal of a rectal foreign body
DOI: and coronal views on CT showed evidence of a large, tube-shaped foreign body in the rectum (see arrows) without evidence of acute gastrointestinal tract disease.
Utilizing the Flipped Classroom, Simulation-Based Mastery Learning and Group Learning to Teach and Evaluate Lumbar Puncture Skills
DOI: goal of the curriculum is to teach and evaluate senior medical students / emergency medicine residents on the performance of a lumbar puncture using a group learning protocol. At the completion of the training session, learners should be able to: 1) Demonstrate how to perform a LP on an adult patient by achieving the minimum passing standard on the checklist, 2) state the indications and contraindications of performing a LP, and 3) state the potential complications that can occur after performing a LP.
Laceration Repair for Emergency Physicians
DOI: the end of this educational session, the learner will: 1) understand indications and contraindications for suture repair of lacerations, 2) compare when various types of wound repair are appropriate: such as sutures, staples, tissue adhesive and tissue tape, as well as what size of suture material is appropriate depending on the location of the laceration on the body, 3) list the appropriate types and sizes of suture for various locations and types of lacerations, 4) understand the definitions of the three types of wound closure (primary, secondary and delayed primary) and when they are appropriate, 5) understand the basics of local anesthetic including which anesthetic to use and the maximum dose for each, 6) understand when sutures should be removed, 7) list various suturing techniques and their indications, and 8) improve comfort levels in performing various suturing techniques including: simple interrupted, horizontal mattress, vertical mattress, and corner repair. If desired, instructors can individually assess the learner sutures using the attached complete validated suture checklist to show proficiency in these techniques. Please see the brief wrap-up section at the end of the manuscript.
A Simulation Model for Extensor Tendon Repair
DOI: the end of this educational session, the learner will be able to: 1) List the indications for extensor tendon repair in the emergency department, 2) recognize the indications for referral to orthopedic or hand surgery, 3) list the risks and benefits of emergency department extensor tendon repair, 4) perform an appropriate physical examination for a patient with a potential extensor tendon laceration, 5) list the maximum time limit of tourniquet application for this procedure, 6) list the materials needed for extensor tendon repair in the emergency department, 7) successfully repair a completely severed extensor tendon using four different techniques: horizontal mattress, figure of eight, modified Kessler and modified Bunnell, and 8) describe the appropriate splinting of a repaired extensor tendon.
Realistic Chest Tube Simulator Using Pork Belly with Skin
DOI: the end of this instructional session learners will be able to: 1) discuss the indications, contraindications, and complications associated with chest tube thoracostomy, 2) competently perform chest tube insertion on a simulator, and 3) properly secure chest tube.
Emergency Surgical Airway Model for Procedural Skills Simulation
DOI: the end of this educational session, learners will be able to: 1) practice the manual and cognitive skills necessary to perform a successful and rapid surgical cricothyrotomy, and 2) successfully complete a cricothyrotomy within a time frame of 90 seconds.