Visual EM
K-9 Police Dog Bite
DOI: photograph is of the anterior compartment of the right lower leg demonstrating multiple deep lacerations with exposed and torn muscle. X-ray showed no foreign body.
Lunate Dislocation
DOI: film of the right wrist showed the classic “spilled teacup” consistent with a lunate dislocation. There is a loss of the normal articulation between the distal radius and lunate.
Bedside Echocardiography for Rapid Diagnosis of Malignant Cardiac Tamponade
DOI: video shows a subxiphoid view of the heart with evidence of a large pericardial effusion with tamponade – note the anechoic stripe in the pericardial sac (see red arrow). This video demonstrates paradoxical right ventricular collapse during diastole and right atrial collapse during systole which is indicative of tamponade.1,2
Figure 1 is from the same patient and shows sonographic pulsus paradoxus. This is an apical 4 chamber view of the heart with the sampling gate of the pulsed wave doppler placed over the mitral valve. The Vpeak max and Vpeak min are indicated. If there is more than a 25% difference with inspiration between these 2 values, this is highly suggestive of tamponade.1 In this case, there is a 32.4% difference between the Vpeak max 69.55 cm/s and Vpeak min 46.99 cm/s.
Takotsubo (Stress) Cardiomyopathy
DOI: echocardiography showed the findings consistent with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Echocardiographic images are shown in subxiphoid (A) and apical four chamber (B) views. Note the apical ballooning appearance (asterisk) of the left ventricle (LV).
Pediatric Supracondylar Fracture
DOI: film radiography showed a displaced supracondylar fracture with disrupted anterior and posterior periostea, consistent with a type 3 supracondylar fracture.
Calcaneal Fractures and Böhler’s Angle
The right ankle lateral radiograph shows a comminuted, non-displaced fracture of the posterior calcaneus (red arrow) in addition to fracture fragments along the heel pad margin (blue arrow). The left ankle lateral radiograph shows a displaced, comminuted fracture of the mid to posterior calcaneus with extension into the subtalar joint posteriorly (purple arrow). There is subcutaneous air seen anteriorly to the tibiotalar joint space (green arrow) in addition to a joint effusion. Of note, the Böhler’s angle in the left x-ray is 16 degrees which is consistent with a fracture (see red annotation showing Böhler’s angle).
Intraocular Foreign Body: Ultrasound and CT Findings
DOI: of care ultrasound revealed a mobile, radiolucent hyperechoic structure (see red arrow) with reverberation within the posterior chamber (see blue arrow), likely a metallic foreign body. Linear areas of mobile hyperechoic material revealed possible vitreous hemorrhage (see purple circular area). Orbital non-contrast CT confirmed a 3 mm metallic focus within the dependent portion of the left globe, lodged in the posterior sclera, with some vitreous hemorrhage but no evidence of globe rupture. Ophthalmology was consulted and the patient was taken to surgery later that night.
Computed Tomography Diagnosis of Appendicitis
DOI: CT abdomen/pelvis with IV contrast shows a dilated appendix (see red outline) with thickened, hyperenhancing wall (see blue outline) best visualized in the axial and coronal planes.
Intracranial Hemorrhage Following a 3-week Headache
DOI: patient’s head CT showed a significant area of hyperdensity consistent with an intracranial hemorrhage located within the left frontal parietal lobe (red arrow). Additionally, there is rightward midline shift up to 1.1cm (green arrow) and entrapment of the right lateral ventricle (blue arrow).
Gastric Bezoar
DOI: the abdominal radiograph, a nonspecific and non-obstructive bowel gas pattern with no air-fluid level was noted, however the stomach was distended with soft tissue. The CT abdomen/pelvis revealed a distended stomach with undigested heterogeneous contents (presumed bezoar).