Abdominal Pain with Black Tongue
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21980/J8XS7JPatient’s tongue had a black discoloration, without elongated filiform papillae. We could not appreciate lymphadenopathy. His abdomen was tender to palpation.
Facial Fracture Induced Periorbital Emphysema
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21980/J8F05HPhysical exam showed marked left palpebral subcutaneous crepitus, as well as bulbar and palpebral conjunctival bulging. Visual acuity was normal with intact extraocular movements, and normal pupillary exam. Computed tomography (CT) imaging of the face was obtained and revealed multiple displaced fractures involving the left orbital floor and zygomatic arch associated with moderate periorbital and postseptal extraconal gas, resulting in orbital proptosis.
Foreign Body in Maxillary Sinus: A Rare Case of Chronic Rhinosinusitis
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21980/J85H09Computed tomography (CT) sinus with contrast demonstrated complete opacification of left paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity, and a linear radiopacity within the left maxillary sinus consistent with a foreign body. There were additional left facial subcutaneous radiopaque opacities.
Cauliflower Ear Secondary to a Chronic Auricular Hematoma
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21980/J8S63XOn exam, the patient has a gross deformity to the left pinna that was not painful to touch or fluctuant. Findings and history are consistent with cauliflower ear, secondary to a chronic auricular hematoma.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21980/J8NH0NThe computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrates prominent enlargement and heterogeneous enhancement of the right submandibular gland (single large arrow) compatible with sialadenitis. There is no evidence of a sialolith or obstruction on the CT. There is associated edema (two small arrows) of the right submandibular space, parapharyngeal space and anterior right neck with partial effacement of the right vallecula and right pyriform sinus.
An Unusual Case of Pharyngitis: Herpes Zoster of Cranial Nerves 9, 10, C2, C3 Mimicking a Tumor
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21980/J8B05KOn exam, the patient was sitting upright while holding an emesis basin filled with saliva. His voice was noticeably hoarse. Examination of the head and neck revealed vesicular eruptions on the left scalp in the V1 dermatome and on the left mastoid process (Images 1 and 2). Physical exam also shows vesicular eruptions on the left posterior oropharynx that did not cross midline (Image 3).
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21980/J85S7QLeft-sided cranial nerve VII palsy with flattened forehead creases, inability to keep the left eye open, and drooping of the corner of mouth. Vesicular lesions were found in and posterior to the left ear in a unilateral, dermatomal distribution.
A Case of Otomastoiditis
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21980/J8RK89The patient underwent computed tomography (CT) of the head which revealed opacification of the left middle ear (red arrow) and mastoid air cells (red circles). Additionally, there was thickening of the soft tissues of the external auditory canal (blue arrowhead), likely reflecting concurrent otitis externa. Based on the imaging, he was admitted for findings consistent with acute otomastoiditis.
A Sublingual Mass in a 5-Year-Old Male
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21980/J8H622Oral ranula. On oral inspection he had a 3 x 1.5 cm, soft, non-tender, mobile, cystic, sublingual mass on the right aspect of the floor of his mouth that did not move with swallowing (Image 1). There was mild associated submandibular swelling on the right side of his face.
Novel Emergency Medicine Curriculum Utilizing Self-Directed Learning and the Flipped Classroom Method: Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat Emergencies Small Group Module
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21980/J8PW5NWe aim to teach the presentation and management of HEENT emergencies through the creation of a flipped classroom design. This unique, innovative curriculum utilizes resources chosen by education faculty and resident learners, study questions, real-life experiences, and small group discussions in place of traditional lectures. In doing so, a goal of the curriculum is to encourage self-directed learning, improve understanding and knowledge retention, and improve the educational experience of our residents.