A Low-Cost Facial and Dental Nerve Regional Anesthesia Task Trainer
DOI: the end of this educational session, learners should be able to: 1) describe and identify relevant anatomy for supra-orbital, infra-orbital, mental, and inferior alveolar nerves and 2) successfully demonstrate supra-orbital, infra-orbital, mental, and inferior alveolar nerve blocks using a partial task trainer.
Design and Implementation of a Low-Cost Priapism Reduction Task Trainer
DOI: the end of this educational session, learners should be able to 1) Verbalize the difference between low-flow and high-flow priapism 2) Describe the landmarks for a penile ring block and cavernosal aspiration/injection 3) Demonstrate the appropriate technique for performing a penile ring block, cavernosal aspiration, and cavernosal injection.
Low Fidelity Trainer for Fiberoptic Scope Use in the Emergency Department
DOI: the end of this training session, learners will be able to 1) list indications, contraindication, and complications in performing fiberoptic intubations, 2) know how to use and maneuver a fiberoptic scope, and 3) be able to successfully intubate the trainer model.
An Innovative Inexpensive Portable Pulmonary Edema Intubation Simulator
DOI: the end of the session, learners will be able to: 1. Discuss the pathophysiology of, and immediate stabilization management steps for, acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema. 2. List the indications, contraindications, and risks associated with intubating a patient with acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema. 3. Demonstrate effective communication and teamwork skills to manage the airway of a simulated patient in respiratory distress due to acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema. 4. Successfully and safely intubate a simulated patient with a difficult airway due to visual obstruction from frothy pulmonary edema secretions.
Innovations in Airway Education: 3D Printed Neonatal and Pediatric Needle Cricothyrotomy Trainers
DOI: the end of this educational session, participants should be able to: 1) discuss indications and contraindications for needle cricothyrotomy in the pediatric population; 2) assemble the equipment needed to complete a needle cricothyrotomy; 3) describe and perform the steps of neonatal and pediatric needle cricothyrotomy; 4) discuss post-procedure ventilation options.
Peritonsillar Abscess Model for Ultrasound Diagnosis Using Inexpensive Materials
DOI: the end of this instructional session learners should be able to: 1) identify and discuss the indications, contraindications, and complications associated with peritonsillar abscesses, 2) properly identify and measure a PTA through ultrasound, and 3) competently perform ultrasound-guided peritonsillar abscess drainage on a simulator and remove fluid.
The Eyes Have It: A Low-Cost Model for Corneal Foreign Body Removal Training
DOI: Audience: This corneal foreign body simulator is designed to instruct junior emergency medicine (EM) residents and medical students with an interest in emergency medicine. Introduction: Eye complaints are common in the emergency department (ED), accounting for approximately 2 million ED visits each year.1 Corneal foreign bodies (CFB) account for approximately 7.5% of these presentations, and many EM providers are
A Low-Cost, Reusable Ultrasound Pericardiocentesis Simulation Model
DOI: the use of this model and skill session, learners will be able to: 1) discuss the indications, contraindications, and complications associated with ultrasound guided pericardiocentesis; 2) demonstrate an ability to obtain subxiphoid and parasternal long views of the heart; 3) demonstrate an ability to identify pericardial fluid in these two views; and 4) demonstrate proper probe and needle placement to successfully perform an ultrasound guided pericardiocentesis in these two views.
ECG Stampede
DOI: Stampede is a unique educational program comprised of a comprehensive, video-based curriculum with accompanying student and instructor guides. ECG Stampede also features an engaging game accessible via modern browsers and dedicated mobile applications for iOS and Android devices. The gamified model presents learners with a batch of ECGs for which they must assign one of four triage acuities.
Google Forms – A Novel Solution to Blended Learning
DOI: the end of the session, the learner should be able to create a didactic session utilizing Google Forms (or similar web-based application). Specific learning objectives for the didactic session will vary based on application. Our institution has used Google Forms to create case-based small group discussion sessions, “create your own adventure” individual learning cases, asynchronous learning opportunities, and interactive intra-lecture surveys.