The Advantage of Using Video Laryngoscope in Puncture and Incisional Drainage of Peritonsillar Abscess: A Case Report
DOI: of the peritonsillar abscess was performed with the assistance of the C-MAC video laryngoscope which provided a clear, illuminated, and unobstructed view of the incision site. Local anesthesia with 1% xylocaine was administered, and the abscess was incised with a scalpel and drained with a forceps.
High-Fidelity Simulation with Transvaginal Ultrasound in the Emergency Department
DOI: the end of the session, learners should be able to 1) recognize the clinical indications for transvaginal ultrasound in the ED, 2) practice the insertion, orientation, and sweeping motions used to perform a TVPOCUS study, 3) interpret transvaginal ultrasound images showing an IUP or alternative pathologies, and 4) understand proper barrier, disinfection, and storage techniques for endocavitary probes.
A Case Report of Lateral Subtalar Dislocation: Emergency Medicine Assessment, Management and Disposition
DOI: a lateral subtalar dislocation, the navicular bone (red bone in 3D anatomy image) and the calcaneus (yellow bone in 3D anatomy image) dislocate laterally in relation to the talus (lavender bone in 3D anatomy image). Plain film oblique and lateral X-rays demonstrate the initial dislocation (talus in red, navicular in blue). It is clear in the initial lateral view that there is loss of the talar/navicular articulation (noted by red arrow). The anterior-posterior x-ray is more challenging to discern the anatomy; however, the talus (red dot) is laterally displaced in comparison to the navicular (blue dot).
Modification of an Airway Training Mannequin to Teach Engagement of the Hyoepiglottic Ligament
DOI: the end of this education session, participants should be able to: 1) identify relevant airway anatomy during intubation, including base of the tongue, epiglottis, midline vallecular fold, anterior arytenoids; 2) appreciate the value of a stepwise anatomically guided approach to intubation; 3) become familiar with the midline vallecular fold and underlying anatomy, including the hyoepiglottic ligament, and how proper placement of the laryngoscope can result in improved glottic visualization.
A Realistic, Low-Cost Simulated Automated Chest Compression Device
DOI: the end of this educational session using a resuscitation trainer or high-fidelity manikin, learners should be able to: 1) recognize appropriate application of simulated ACCD to an ongoing resuscitation case; 2) demonstrate proper positioning of simulated ACCD in manikin model and 3) integrate simulated ACCD to provide compressions appropriately throughout cardiac arrest scenario.
Low-Cost Fishhook Removal Simulation
DOI: goal of this small group session is to fill the gap in training on fishhook injuries. At the end of the session participants should be able to describe the parts of a fishhook, as well as demonstrate and have increased confidence in performing multiple fishhook removal techniques.
Adolescent with Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Hypothermia and Pneumomediastinum
DOI: the end of the simulation, learners will be able to: 1) develop a differential diagnosis for an adolescent who presents obtunded with shortness of breath; 2) discuss the management of diabetic ketoacidosis; 3) discuss management of hypothermia in a pediatric patient; 4) discuss appropriate ventilator settings in a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis; and 5) demonstrate interpersonal communication with family, nursing, and consultants during high stress situations.
Inhalational Injury Secondary to House Fire
DOI: the conclusion of the simulation session, learners will be able to: 1) recognize the indications for intubation in a thermal burn/inhalation injury patient; 2) develop a systematic approach to an inhalational injury airway; and 3) recognize indications for transfer to burn center.
A Homemade, Cost-Effective, Realistic Pelvic Exam Model
DOI: utilizing this pelvic examination model, the learner will be able to: 1) demonstrate ability to perform a pelvic examination comfortably and safely, 2) demonstrate ability to obtain a cervical swab on female patients, and 3) show proficient understanding of female anatomy.
How to Build a Low-Cost Video-Assisted Laryngoscopy Suite for Airway Management Training
DOI: an anatomically accurate airway simulator, by the end of a 20–30-minute instructional session, learners should be able to: 1) Understand proper positioning and use the video laryngoscope with dexterity, 2) identify airway landmarks via the video screen, and 3) demonstrate ability to intubate a simulated airway.