Lunate Dislocation
DOI: film of the right wrist showed the classic “spilled teacup” consistent with a lunate dislocation. There is a loss of the normal articulation between the distal radius and lunate.
Traumatic Aortic Injury
DOI: initial chest x-ray showed an abnormal superior mediastinal contour (blue line), suggestive of a possible aortic injury. The CT angiogram showed extensive circumferential irregularity and outpouching of the distal aortic arch (red arrows) compatible with aortic transection. In addition, there was a circumferential intramural hematoma, which extended through the descending aorta to the proximal infrarenal abdominal aorta (green arrow). There was also an extensive surrounding mediastinal hematoma extending around the descending aorta and supraaortic branches (purple arrows).
Thompson Test in Achilles Tendon Rupture
DOI: left Achilles tendon had a defect on palpation, while the right Achilles tendon was intact. When squeezing the right (unaffected) calf, the ankle spontaneously plantar flexed, indicating a negative (normal) Thompson test. Upon squeeze of the left (affected) calf, the ankle did not plantar flex, signifying a positive (abnormal) Thompson test. The diagnosis of left Achilles tendon rupture was confirmed intraoperatively one week later.
FAST Exam: Normal Suprapubic
Keywords: radiology, trauma, normal, suprapubic, FAST exam, videos, ultrasound, US
FAST Exam: Normal Morrison’s Pouch
Keywords: radiology, normal, renal, Morrison’s pouch, trauma, liver, ultrasound, video, FAST exam
FAST Exam: Normal Morrison’s Pouch
Keywords: radiology, normal, renal, Morrison’s pouch, trauma, liver, ultrasound, FAST exam
Hemothorax Pre and Post Chest Tube CXR
Keywords: radiology, x-ray, trauma, hemothorax, chest tube, tube thoracostomy, respiratory, pulmonary