Large Right Pleural Effusion
DOI: x-ray and bedside ultrasound revealed a large right pleural effusion, estimated to be greater than two and a half liters in size.
Hampton’s Hump in Pulmonary Embolism
DOI: the lateral view chest x-ray, there is a Hampton’s Hump, a pleural based, wedge-shaped opacity at the base of the right lung, representing lung infarction (black arrow). These findings correlate with the sagittal view on CT angiography of the chest. The CT chest also shows a filling defect in the distal posterior basal segmental pulmonary artery (white arrow), as demonstrated by the absence of contrast enhancement in the distal portion of the vessel. This is associated with an opacification of the lung parenchyma distal to the occlusion (red arrow), representing lung infarction.
Normal CXR: AP and Lateral
Keywords: radiology, normal, chest, CXR, pulm, respiratory, cardiovascular, CV, AP, lateral
Normal CXR and Post-Intubation CXR
Keywords: radiology, normal, intubation, CXR, chest, respiratory, respiratory failure, AP, ETT, post-intubation