Journal Court: A Novel Approach to Incorporate Medicolegal Education into an Emergency Medicine Journal Club
DOI: the end of this exercise, participants should: 1) identify the four necessary elements for a malpractice claim, 2) understand the basic structure of medical malpractice litigation, and 3) critically analyze medical literature representing diverging viewpoints or conclusions.
Drowning Complicated by Hypothermia
DOI: the conclusion of the simulation session, learners will be able to: 1) obtain a relevant focused history, including circumstances of drowning and/or cold exposure; 2) outline different clinical presentations of hypothermia, loosely correlated with core temperature readings; 3) discuss management of hypothermia, including passive external rewarming, active external rewarming, active internal rewarming, and extracorporeal blood rewarming; 4) discuss pathophysiology of drowning; 5) identify appropriate disposition of patients who present after drowning; and 6) identify appropriate disposition of hypothermic patients.
A Case Report of Right Atrial Thrombosis Complicated by Multiple Pulmonary Emboli: POCUS For the Win!
DOI: POCUS was performed by the ED physician (GE Venue, C1-5-RS 5MHz curvilinear transducer), and lung examination was unremarkable with no pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or infiltrate. Subxiphoid views (GE Venue, 3Sc-RS 4MHz phased-array transducer) were obtained because this patient’s COPD with severe pulmonary hyperexpansion made parasternal and apical 4-chamber views suboptimal. A large thrombus can be seen within the right atrium (movie 1, images 1, 2). This has a serpiginous, rounded appearance and is mobile, appearing to swirl within the right atrium with intermittent extrusion through the tricuspid valve. A pacemaker wire is also visible within the right ventricle as a non-moving, hyperechoic, linear structure with posterior enhancement artifact. Pericardial effusion is not present.
Going in Blind: A Common Scenario in an Uncommon Situation
DOI: the end of this simulation, learners will be able to (1) evaluate and treat a patient experiencing myocardial infarction and subsequent cardiac arrest during a power outage, (2) describe the local protocols for managing patient care during a power outage, (3) demonstrate the ability to coordinate a medical team during a simulated power outage in an emergency department with limited resources, (4) manage a cardiac arrest patient by following Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) protocols for bradycardia and ventricular fibrillation, and (5) justify the urgency of transfer to a certified ST segment elevation myocardial infarction center/cardiac intensive care unit, referencing the recommended 120-minute door-to-balloon time.
A Realistic, Low-Cost Simulated Automated Chest Compression Device
DOI: the end of this educational session using a resuscitation trainer or high-fidelity manikin, learners should be able to: 1) recognize appropriate application of simulated ACCD to an ongoing resuscitation case; 2) demonstrate proper positioning of simulated ACCD in manikin model and 3) integrate simulated ACCD to provide compressions appropriately throughout cardiac arrest scenario.
Electrical Storm/Refractory Ventricular Tachycardia
DOI: the end of this simulation, learners should be able to: 1) recognize unstable ventricular tachycardia and initiate ACLS protocol, 2) practice dynamic decision making by switching between various ACLS algorithms, 3) create a thoughtful approach for further management of refractory ventricular tachycardia, 4) interpret electrocardiogram (ECG) with ST-segment elevation (STE) and left bundle branch block (LBBB), 5) appropriately disposition the patient and provide care after return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), 6) navigate a difficult conversation with the patient’s husband when she reveals that the patient’s wishes were to not be resuscitated.
Managing STEMIs without a Catheterization Lab: A Simulated Scenario to Improve Emergency Clinician Recognition and Execution of Thrombolysis in the Setting of Rural STEMI Management
DOI: the end of this simulation, learners will be able to: 1) diagnose ST elevation myocardial infarction accurately and initiate thrombolysis in the rural setting without timely access to cardiac catheterization; 2) engage the simulated patient in a shared decision-making conversation, clearly outlying the benefits and risks of thrombolysis; 3) identify the indications and contraindications for thrombolysis in ST elevation myocardial infarction; 4) arrange for transfer to a tertiary care center following completion of thrombolysis.
Hypertensive Emergency Team-Based Learning
DOI: the end of this TBL session, learners should be able to: 1) define features of asymptomatic hypertension versus hypertensive emergency, 2) discuss which patients with elevated blood pressure may require further diagnostic workup and intervention, 3) identify a differential diagnosis for patients presenting with elevated blood pressures, 4) recognize the features of different types of end-organ damage, 5) review an algorithm for the pharmacologic management of hypertensive emergencies, 6) indicate dosing and routes of various anti-hypertensive medications, 7) choose the appropriate treatment for a patient who is hypertensive and presenting with flash pulmonary edema, 8) identify an aortic dissection on computed tomography (CT), 9) choose the appropriate treatment for a patient who is hypertensive and presenting with an aortic dissection, 10) identify intracranial hemorrhage on CT, 11) choose the appropriate treatment for a patient who is hypertensive and presenting with an intracranial hemorrhage, and 12) describe the intervention for warfarin reversal.
Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose
DOI: the end of this oral board session, examinees will: (1) demonstrate ability to evaluate a patient with undifferentiated shock with bradycardia and discuss the differential diagnosis, (2) recognize the signs and symptoms of calcium channel blocker overdose, (3) demonstrate ability to manage treatment of a patient with calcium channel overdose.
Ventricular Tachycardia
DOI: the conclusion of the simulation session, learners will be able to: 1) identify the different etiologies of VT, including structural heart disease, acute ischemia, and acquired or congenital QT syndrome; 2) describe confounding factors of VT, such as electrolyte abnormalities and sympathetic surge; 3) describe how to troubleshoot an unsuccessful synchronized cardioversion, including checking equipment connections, increasing delivered energy, and changing pad placement; 4) compare and contrast treatments of VT based on suspected underlying etiology; 5) describe reasons to activate the cardiac catheterization lab other than occlusive myocardial infarction; and 6) identify appropriate disposition of the patient to the cardiac catheterization lab.