Hyperkalemia on ECG
DOI: ECG shows tall, peaked T waves, most prominently in V3 and V4, as well as QRS widening. These findings are consistent with hyperkalemia, which was promptly treated. Follow-up ECG post-treatment shows narrowing of the QRS complexes and normalization of peaked T waves.
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome: Electrocardiogram
DOI: initial EKG showed wide complex, irregular tachycardia > 200 bpm (EKG 1). Given the possibility of Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW), procainamide was given to the patient. The patient’s heart rate responded and decreased to 120-140 bpm with narrowing of the QRS complex. A repeat EKG showed narrow complex tachycardia without P waves approximately 120 bpm (EKG 2). Once the procainamide infusion was complete, the patient had converted to sinus rhythm with a delta wave now apparent, consistent with WPW (EKG 3).
Acute Pericarditis: Electrocardiogram
DOI: ECG shows diffuse ST- elevation. The patient also has mild PR-depression, most notably in the inferior and lateral leads. The patient also has minimal PR elevation in lead aVR. The patient was diagnosed with acute pericarditis (ECG stage 1).