Low-Cost, Low Fidelity Meat Model to Teach Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks
The target audience of this workshop is emergency medicine residents; however, it is appropriate for all level of learners from medical students to faculty.
Pain control is a major focus in the emergency department. Regional anesthesia is a rapidly growing alternative to opioid analgesia or procedural sedation. Nerve blocks are useful in many procedures and are relevant to some of our most common chief complaints. Ultrasound guided regional anesthesia has been shown to be highly successful with minimal complications, and has been shown to reduce the need for supplemental anesthesia such as sedation and narcotics.1 Ultrasound guidance both decreases complications and increases success rate of nerve blocks.2 We provide a simple format for learning relatively safe and technically easy ultrasound guided nerve block techniques. Meat models provide realistic and superior tactile sensation, sono-anatomy, and injection resistance compared to homemade or commercial gel models. Meat and tendons for models are inexpensive and universally available.
Upon completion of this workshop, learners will be able to: 1) Describe the risks and benefits of ultrasound guided nerve blocks. 2) Choose the appropriate nerve to block based on the area that needs anesthesia. 3) Display proficiency in performing an ultrasound guided nerve block on meat models. 4) Verbalize confidence in successfully performing ultrasound guided regional anesthesia. By successfully meeting these objectives, we aim to improve learner confidence and clinical ability in performing ultrasound guided nerve blocks.
This module consists of a short introductory lecture followed by small group practicums. Learners will rotate through this workshop in groups of four. Each rotation will require about 30 minutes. The instructor will demonstrate appropriate technique for ultrasound guided nerve block using the prepared meat model. Learners will then practice the in-plane ultrasound guided nerve block technique.
Regional anesthesia, ultrasound, nerve block, ultrasound phantom, low fidelity, meat model, conference, workshop.
Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks - Manuscript
Ultrasound Guided Nerve Blocks - Supplemental Files