Google Forms – A Novel Solution to Blended Learning
Google Forms integrates well into didactic and other education settings targeting all learner levels,including medical students, residents, fellows, and attendings.
A significant challenge facing emergency medicine residency programs is the delivery of educational material to its learners. At the heart of all emergency medicine residency programs is their regularly scheduled educational sessions. These weekly didactic conferences provide the venue for structured learning following a developed curriculum. Traditionally, these sessions have consisted primarily of lecture-delivered material with some alternative learning options in the form of simulation, small group discussion, or other break-out sessions. Recently, lecture-based content has come under increasing scrutiny as the primary content delivery platform. Increasingly, programs are looking towards a “flipped classroom” model and utilizing blended learning to distribute information to its residents in hopes of better engaging today’s learners while continuing to provide the core content necessary to train tomorrow’s physicians.1,2,3 Blended learning has been shown to enhance the learning environment, resulting in improved knowledge translation and user experience, both by the teacher and student.4 Utilizing Google Forms for blended learning sessionsthat otherwise would have been presented in a lecture-based format better engages the learnerand improves knowledge translation and retention.
By the end of the session, the learner should be able to create a didactic session utilizing Google Forms (or similar web-based application). Specific learning objectives for the didactic session will vary based on application. Our institution has used Google Forms to create case-based small group discussion sessions, “create your own adventure” individual learning cases, asynchronous learning opportunities, and interactive intra-lecture surveys.
Google Forms provides a platform to deliver web-based didactic and asynchronous learning. Sessions can be case-based or utilize another interactive format allowing for guided learning while collecting learner data.
Resident education, small group learning, technology.